Project Do HomeAbout Project DoCompleted Projects

14 September 2009

about project do

This blog started simply because I was looking for a new project to start, and starting a blog seemed interesting enough. The question then was: What to blog about? Answer: all of my subsequent projects, of course.

And thus Project Do was born. 
(the heavens parted, choirs of ang... that's right. just like that.)

How it works: On Monday I decide on a project and tell you what it is. I work on it that week and post the final product on whatever day I finish it. Then the following Monday comes along and I find a new project. You get the idea.

Also sometimes I do side projects on random days. They show up unannounced. Hence "random days." And sometimes I give you sneak peeks in the middle of the week. But only when I'm feeling generous. And/or actually have something to sneak a peek at. Welcome.

My profile here.

If you'd like to send me a message, project idea, or share your own finished project, either leave a comment on the blog or email:
reach.projectdo [at]

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